Dílo #72834
Druh: Pro pobavení
Datum publikace:12.11.2020 01:00
Počet návštěv:50
Počet názorů:0

1932 posnalsom, žejuneposnám

1932 posnalsom, žejuneposnám

7.11. 2020 7:11:17

celosvetovo anajmenateplycku jevomňofšovobocňosnámo, žesysycezlepametám, čosakedystalo, alenaozajperfektne sypametámtváre anajmetvárepeknýchžjen. fčérasamato zasapotvrdilo. fajčylsomvarýnasvajcovým aftomsomsbadalpeknúsnámu akopovedalavopsluške:


"vješ, vonytamprejmajú dákepeknébundy, aletobysomsatam muselaýsťposrjéť."


paksaroslúčyly avotchádzalasúsmevom vokolomňa. takjejfdomnení, žesaposnáme, tykačkoupovedám:




sycemastále súsmevompovedala:


"noveť tamydem!"


aleftomsomposnal, žejuneposnám.


1932 I knew I didn't know her

It is generally known all over the world, and especially in Teplice, that I have a hard time remembering what ever happened, but I remember the faces and especially the faces of pretty women really perfectly. yesterday it was confirmed to me again. I smoked coffee with egg and in it I noticed a nice acquaintance as she told the staff:


"You know, they say they have nice jackets there, but I'd have to go see it."


then they said goodbye and left with a smile around me. so in the belief that we know each other, I will say with a stick:


"So go look !!!"


she kept telling me with a smile:


"Well, I'm going there!"


but in that I knew that I did not know her.

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