Dílo #72614
Druh: Pro pobavení
Datum publikace:29.08.2020 07:21
Počet návštěv:122
Počet názorů:0

1859 dalyjej 200,-

1859 dalyjej 200,-

26.8. 2020 5:53:55

fčérafkrčme utrochkarafyjátoch sedelyvedľa ustolýka trybaby ajednarosprávala, čosajejpryhodilo:


"nebudetematomožnoveryť, alefčera, keťsomyšlasroboty, taksompotkávala saméznáme. skorofšetké oprotijedúceautá namňa blykalyamávaly. taksomýmtiešmávala apovedalasomsy, akéjetopekné, keťmáčlovek toľkoznámych. aprychádzam dogagarynky ahalt! - stavalymapolycajty. keťsomzastavyla astiahlavokénko, taksamavopýtaly:


"mladápani, otkjalydete?


no, spráce.






avjétevotom, ženesvjétite?"


ajasazačala strašnesmjať avonipovedaly:




ďalejsomjej chvýlunerozumel apakašzáver, keťsajednavopýtala:


"a akotodopadlo?


dalyma dvestofky."


taksomsaknejnakrútil apovedal:


"tomóžetebyťrada, ževamjedaly. majevečinouzoberú."


1859 they gave her 200, -

yesterday in a pub at three carnations, three babies were sitting next to the table and one was telling what had happened to her:


"You may not believe me, but yesterday, when I was leaving work, I met the acquaintances themselves. Almost everything compared to the moving cars flashed and waved at me. So I also waved to them and said to myself how nice it is when he has a man of so many acquaintances, and I come to the gagarinka and the tracks!


"young lady, where are you from?


Well, from work.


and where is it from?


of semolina.


and do you know that you do not shine? "


and I started laughing terribly and they said:


"why are you laughing? ..."


I did not understand her for a moment and then the conclusion when one asked:


"and how did it turn out?


they gave me two hundred. "


so I turned to her and said:


"You can be glad they gave them to you. They'll usually take them from me."

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